
Peter Smit

At the first short course meet of the season, the annual Sachem sprint meet at the Nassau Aquatic Center, 93 TVSC swimmers raced 370 times and swam 310 best times -- 84%. Total time improvement 892 seconds, or more than 14 minutes. New time standards: 4 'AAA' times, 10 'AA' times, 19 'A' times, 20 'BB' times, 24 'B' times, New qualification times: 2 Eastern Zone Age Group Champs cuts, 3 JO cuts, 6 Holiday Classic cuts, 21 Holiday Classic Bonus cuts, 20 Silver cuts, More Highlights All Best Times:...

Peter Smit

During the last Holtsville long course practice of 2021, the Junior team and several Senior team swimmers competed in the second TVSC Biathlon of the summer. 53 TVSC athletes-in-training competed in the 1,000 meter swim (20 lengths of the pool) and the 1 1/2 mile run around the Holtsville Park trail. Many did better than the July 29 Biathlon, but some added time, proving that taking 4 weeks off from practice in August is affecting the conditioning. So, Luka's and Bella's records will stand for another year! While in 2020...

Michael Smit

The swim conditions for the 2021 Town of Brookhaven Lifeguard Run-Swim-Run were much better than last summer and that resulted in much faster times. Ten TVSC ToB lifeguards, 12 TVSC "lifeguards-in-training", three TVSC alumni and eight former TVSC swimmers were among the participants. Congrats to Alyssa and Liam for being fastest female and male Run-Swim-Run this summer.